Developing Character
Our strategic priority area of Developing Character is split into two aspects. These are described below through our aims and objectives for each of these aspects.

Collective Responsibility
- Develop a greater sense of what it is like to be part of a vibrant and diverse community amongst our children and young people.
- Embed values and personal characteristics in our children and young people so that they are prepared for later life and contribute positively to society.
- Define, understand and share what we mean by community in our organisation and local context(s).
- Develop stronger links with the community at large by providing facilities to be used for the improvement community health and wellbeing.
- Developing great schools within our organisation so that our staff and young people understand what we mean by community, have a sense of what it is like to be part of a vibrant community and have the values and personal characteristics to integrate into communities in the future.

Our Wellness
- Everyone understands what being ‘Mentally Healthy’ means to them. Opportunities are promoted through the Work.World.Wellness curriculum as well as creative and performance subjects.
- All staff are approachable and empathetic, consistently model outstanding communication, listening and interpersonal skills.
- All staff across the Trust feel valued in their work, and recognise the part within the wider team
- Safeguarding promotes safety for all (staff and students) within the working community, opportunities for whistleblowing and support when this happens, and the support mechanisms with safeguarding supervision.
Being a mentally healthy organisation with a focus on wellbeing, safeguarding and diversity are part of the overall vision and moral requirements of an organisation that invests in its people.