Our Aims
Through work, world and wellness we will raise aspirations and develop character in a positive environment.

Our Mission (Strategic Intent)
Raising aspirations and developing character is at the heart of everything we do within our schools to enable each young person to achieve highly and be successful in life, contributing back to the world we live in.
Throughout their educational journey in the Nene Education Trust, we aim to develop all our learners within a positive environment for learning, along with opportunities to develop their spiritual and moral compass so that they grow with integrity.
Through a set of shared principles, we will develop a multi-academy trust of highly effective and sustainable schools. As a group of schools working in collaboration as one, we will improve and maintain high educational standards in order to advance education for the public benefit.

Raising Aspirations
Learners in the Trust are happy, healthy, have a positive view of the world and are equipped for the challenges facing them throughout their lives. Sustainable school improvement impacts positively on the delivery of educational excellence for all. School improvement is the responsibility of everyone across the Trust.

Developing Character
Being a mentally healthy organisation with a focus on wellbeing, safeguarding and diversity are part of the overall vision and moral requirements of an organisation that invests in its people.
Developing great schools within our organisation so that our staff and young people understand what we mean by community, have a sense of what it is like to be part of a vibrant community and have the values and personal characteristics to integrate into communities in the future.

Positive Environment
Creating a positive environment for all our people and schools to flourish is essential to ongoing improvement. Creating a culture and expectation where everyone aspires to be better will underpin future successes. In its wider sense, infrastructure of resources, facilities and services will enable education-facing leaders to focus on school improvement and educational excellence leading to improved outcomes.