Chris Hill, Chief Executive Officer

Chris Hill, Chief Executive Officer
Chris has been CEO of Nene Education Trust since September 2018 and is extremely proud of the achievements that have been made in a very short space of time. Under Chris' leadership the Trust has grown to 8 schools, which has enabled significant investment into the schools’ facilities as well as growing the capacity of the school improvement and operational teams.
Chris has led and worked in a range of schools and educational organisations. With a wealth of skills and knowledge, he has a successful track record in every role he has undertaken. Chris has also occupied senior positions in other multi academy trusts, working with groups of schools to achieve significant improvements in school performance and outcomes for pupils.
Previously a Local Leader of Education and an expert in Pupil Premium, Chris has undertaken extensive review projects across both primary and secondary schools. He is currently studying for his Masters in Education Management for the benefit of the development of the Trust.