Accessibility Tools

Karen Stevenson

Karen Stevenson

Karen Stevenson – Trust SEND Lead

Karen joined the Trust in September 2021 as our Trust SEND Lead. Since this time, she has worked with all of our schools to further strengthen our SEND provision offer. She is passionate about supporting all of our children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities to ensure they make good progress from their start points and are as well prepared for their next steps in life as possible. She is committed to raising awareness by providing training for all staff to help in ‘getting it right’.

Karen has worked in education all of her career, with a large amount of this being within Northamptonshire. She took her first SENDCo role nearly 15 years ago and has also led inclusion in a leadership capacity. In addition to working in schools, Karen has also gained experience working within the statutory Education, Health and Care team.

SEND is a fundamental part of inclusion as a whole, and Karen is also trained to undertake accessibility audits to ensure our school sites and curriculum offer are as inclusive as possible.